For anyone who wants to check in on Ava, we thought this would be an easy way to tell her story...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ava had a great weekend!  Not only is she slamming down her formula, but she had a weekend free of IV fluids!  They decided at clinic on Friday to try her off her overnight hydration because of how well she has been drinking.  They sent us out promising to make sure she would drink enough over the weekend. Some of her meds rely on her being hydrated enough to flush through her system, they can tell this by checking her kidney levels from her blood. We were sent home to prove she could do this on her own. Of course we spent the past 2 days writing down every drop of fluid that she has taken in. We will find out tomorrow if she can keep up. Also, her platelets went back up to 150,000... thankfully they are climbing again.
I stayed with Ava on Sat night and am excited to say that she slept in her crib all night!!  She did wake a couple of times but I stuck to my guns and didn't take her out. We did have an hour of awake time between 2:30 and 3:30, I woke to her little voice (I had the monitor next to my bed). I walked in her room to see her clapping and waving to her Elmo in the crib, it was definitely the cutest thing I have ever witnessed. Drew and I have been teaching her to clap, so what better time than 2:30 am for her to practice with Elmo? I got her a drink and stayed with her until she was sleepy again, I thought for sure she would fight going back to sleep in there, but she didn't...and she stayed till morning!!
Today was a good day. I woke to a happy, eating, drinking, crib sleeping baby. We played until Drew came this afternoon and then I came home and got to spend the rest of my weekend with Miss Audrey. She was as needy as ever, it breaks my heart. The whole evening was "do you still love me?", "do you miss me when you are at the apartment?", "do you cry when your gone?", "sometimes I look at your pictures", "can you hug me?",  "can you kiss me?"...
someone, help me.
good night.

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