For anyone who wants to check in on Ava, we thought this would be an easy way to tell her story...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ava's biopsy went well. The actual procedure took about a half hour. What took place when she went under was completely nuts. Only this would happen to us...
I get all dressed in my operating room gear, take her back, stay with her until she is out, and then go back to Drew in the waiting room.  We walk to the elevators to go get a coffee, but the elevators are down because of a fire...yes, a fire. Um, what? Alarms & loud speakers all going off telling us to evacuate the building. My baby is in surgery. We just stand there while everyone is leaving, then we are told to leave also. "But my baby is in surgery" is all I kept saying. Im told "she will be fine, she is behind a really thick fire wall". Gee, this supposed to make me feel better?

Ava waking up
 We all go out front and wait about 5 minutes and then we are let back in. Apparently, someone burned a bagel in the coffee shop, that was the ruckus. By the time we got back downstairs to the waiting room, she was done. She woke up great, drank lots and we headed back to the apartment. Drew brought Audrey for dinner, so the girls got to see each other which was nice. Tonight will be really fun, Audrey is going to spend the night at the apartment with us...wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Of course there would be a fire at the exact same time Ava is in surgery...that is the only scenario you cannot possibly plan for and OMG are you kidding me, universe? It never stops, does it? Unbelievable.

    But oh my, she looks absolutely amazing, flipping sweeter than my eyes can handle. And you, my dear friend... I just want to put you in my minivan, cover you with blankets and spoon feed you chicken and dumplings. You're an incredible mama. Your girls (and boys) have themselves a goddess looking after them. Now go, sleep, rest, and feed your belly and soul with what heals you...even if it's in between fire alarms :\. Unreal...
